Plating Evaluation
Plating evaluations are performed to assess primarily the thickness and adhesion. Typically, a transverse cross-section of the plated part is prepared. The thickness is then measured with an optical microscope or a scanning electron microscope. Plating evaluations may also require surface analysis, chemical analysis, especially when contaminants are present, and mechanical tests. This methodology is extensive assessment of pre-treatment to other forms of surface modification, such as case hardening, and high temperature oxidation.
The corrosion behavior of the plated materials can be assessed by immersion in the target environment to simulate in-service conditions.
Bess MTI, Inc. provides comprehensive testing to evaluate and qualify many different types of plating and coatings. Our facilities allow us to perform a wide array of testing to ASTM, MIL, or internal specifications. The services offered include but not limited to cross-sectioning and plating thickness measurement, as well as, adhesion, abrasion, solderability, microhardness, and salt spray test.